February 2022

Dear Neighbours, 

Happy New Year! Yes, we know it’s far too late to be saying that! This update is a little late and quite long but do please read till the end- there are lots of exciting things happening in our area. 

Project Update: Improving the local area
Newington Green Playground

Thank you to those of you who answered our surveys about what changes you would like to see at the playground on Newington Green. We did some in-person surveying, there were paper versions at Lizzy’s On The Green cafe and we had some feedback via instagram. The conclusions were pretty clear: more equipment for babies/toddlers. Within that there was a preference for a baby-swing and a slide. We are also keen to explore inclusive play equipment. 

We are meeting with the council to share the results and discuss next steps. We’ve told them that we’re keen to get this done quickly, in time for the warmer weather.

Ferntower Road- Newington Green 

This project started after our AGM in 2018 when several long-standing NGAG members raised the issue of the dead trees in the pedestrianised area at the junction of Ferntower Road and Newington Green. There were a couple more unsuccessful attempts by the council to plant trees until it became clear that a more ambitious plan was necessary. 

The aim was to create a safer, greener space. X-rays of the area conclusively showed that there was not enough soil for plants or trees to flourish without planters/raised beds. It was also very important that the design did not impede the businesses who had tables and chairs in the space, that it discouraged ASB and provided seating with arm and back rests for those who are less mobile. 

There was consensus on having plants and trees that soak up as much pollution as possible as well as being very hardy. Even though this has all come together during lockdown, limiting the scope for in-person consultation, it has been a really big joint effort between residents who overlook the space, four local businesses,The Garden Classroom, NGAG, Breeze and numerous teams from Islington Council (Community Safety, Highways, Trees, Public Realm). 

The works have begun and the planters are being installed. Once the plants themselves come (toward the end of February) there will be a supervised community planting day which we will let you know about. Everyone involved is clear that the key to the project’s success is having a detailed maintenance plan. Acoustic have volunteered to do regular watering and cleaning and this will be supplemented by monthly support from a group of volunteers who will be trained by a professional gardener.

Project Update: Food Justice

We continue to partner with St Jude and St Paul’s Church for a weekly food hub every Tuesday between 1pm and 3pm. There is both shopping to take away and hot food to enjoy on site. If you know of anyone who might need be interested please let them know. It is based at a church but it is open to everyone, regardless of background or beliefs. 

Feel free to drop any food donations you may have to the church between 12.30pm and 3pm on Tuesdays. Tuna, tinned meats and children’s cereal are always in high demand. 

Project Update: Environment
Garden on the Green with The Garden Classroom

Work has started on the Garden on the Green and is progressing quickly. Last Saturday there was a big group of volunteers out with The Garden Classroom. Last week children from St. Jude and St. Paul's Primary school helped to plant some of the new trees.

The sessions are fun and informal. No experience needed and all are welcome.

As the garden develops there will be fundraising and community events organised for the space.

Project Update: Community support
Welcoming Refugees to Newington Green

We are working with Reset Community Sponsorship on bringing a refugee family to our area. We have now done the first part of the compulsory training and are seeking to submit our application in mid-February.

We need to raise £9,000 to meet the Home Office’s requirements. These funds will cover the cost of a family’s move and integration. 

Bus Cuts

Thank you for those of you that wrote in about some of the bus cuts TfL were planning/consulting on. We submitted a response that focused on the no. 21 bus route. You can see a full briefing here and we will share TfL’s response to the consultation if/when we receive it. A resident in De Beauvoir has started this petition which some of you may wish to sign. 

Since the end of that consultation, TfL has announced another set of bus frequency changes, this time to the no.73. Buses will run every 6 minutes instead of every 4-5 minutes on Monday to Saturday daytimes and weekday peak times. 

As most of you are probably aware TfL has a huge hole in their finances after the reduced usage over the past two years. The latest in funding support packages from the Government runs out this week. If the government doesn’t commit to the long-term funding needed to maintain London’s public transport network we are worried that there will be more cuts.

We will do our best to keep you updated on this. If further cuts are proposed there will be a need to up the campaign to maintain bus services.

Outdoor People’s Wild Walks: adventures for children to take their adults on!

Outdoor People’s next ‘Wild Walk’ is in NG Sunday, February 13th.

The Wild Walk is around 2km long and will take 1.5-2 hours. All ages and abilities are welcome. The route is great for buggies and wheelchairs. Don't forget water, weather appropriate clothing and snacks. 

In solidarity, 


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